Charles “Chuck” Nechtem, our President and CEO, founded Charles Nechtem Associates, Inc. (CNA) in 1981. Our mission is to meet the needs of employees and their family members by providing solutions to problems including but not limited to health, marital, family, financial, substance use, emotional and mental issues, stress, or others that could detract from an employee’s effectiveness in the workplace and at home.
We aim to optimize employee wellbeing and productivity for the greater good of the organization, the employee and society. We believe that all members of the family benefits when the family is healthy and happy, and the entire family suffers when problems or issues arise. We want to serve each member to restore the family’s wellbeing.

Core Values that drive our gold standard business practices:
- We love what we do and are always seeking better ways to serve our clients
- We value our relationships with our clients and our network of behavioral providers
- Our goal is to maximize our clients’ sense of well-being at work and at home
Charles Nechtem Associates, Inc.’s staff and administrators have considerable experience, and we are a collaborative team that goes above and beyond contractual services as appropriate. We are not bogged down by having to deal with administrative issues. When a decision must be made, we make it. Employees and leaders will greatly benefit from such flat line decision making capabilities.
Mission Statement
To provide innovative, effective Employee and Assistance services that promote health and wellness. Our service philosophy is based on the belief that education, easy access, rapid response, skilled intervention, accurate diagnosis, problem resolution and timely referrals are benchmarks by which our customers can measure the quality of our services. We believe that no crisis is so large that it cannot be managed, and no problem is so small that it should be trivialized.